The Role of Music in Video Advertising


The ceramic company Starco has established itself to satisfy customers' needs about their space and dream house. Starco Ceramic has a vast range of options in Ceramic products and customers can like any of them according to their convenience. The company reached out to 360 Branding Studio to polish its branding strategies and professionalism. 

Project : Product Catalogue

The product catalogue of Starco Ceramic had a great main theme line "Our aim is maximum use with minimum size". We crafted all the product images and information about products of Starco Ceramic around this theme line. Above all, at 360 Branding Studio, we add eye-catching colour combinations and graphics to engage viewers.

Project : Social Media Design

The social media of Starco Ceramic is created to be in touch with the customers. With this customers can be in contact with newly launched products and the social media posts can also give them new ideas for using products in their place. These posts made for Starco Ceramic have created an effective increase in the customer touch.

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